In Oracle 11g you can encrypt the entire tablespace simply
by using a pair of clauses during tablespace creation.
Tablespace creation depends on the Tablespace Data
Encryption (TDE) feature of oracle database, which requires you to create and
maintain a secure credentials repository called “Oracle wallet” to store master
encryption key for the database.
Oracle wallet is a container that contains authentication
and signing credentials. The tablespace encryption wallet feature relies on the
oracle wallet to store and protect the master key used in the encryption.
There are two types of oracle wallet
wallet – you must manually open encryption wallet after database startup. It
is recommended for tablespace encryption
wallet – it automatically opens upon database startup.
Oracle wallet is actually a file in your directory system,
named ewallet.p12 under windows/linux/unix based systems.
Before you create oracle wallet, you must first create
directory named wallet under directory $oracle_base/admin/$oracle_sid
Simplest way to create oracle wallet is through SQL
Alter system set
encryption key identified by “password”; --this statement both creates the
wallet if it doesn’t exist and add master key to it.
Now that you have successfully created
oracle wallet, you’re ready to encrypt tablespaces using the new tablespace
encryption feature.
Create Tablespace <tablespace_name>
Default storage (encrypt)
Encryption keyword in the second
line doesn’t actually encrypt the tablespace. It merely provides the encryption
Encrypt keyword passed to the
storage clause in the third line performs actual encryption of tablespace.
You may specify the “using”
clause to specify the name of the encryption algorithm you want to use such as
3DES168, AES128, AES192, AES256. Default encryption algorithm is AES128.
Create tablespace encrypt1
Datafile ‘c:\orcl\app\oracle\oradata\encrypt.dbf’ size 100m
Default storage (encrypt)
You can use below query to check
the encryption status of the tablespaces
Select tablespace_name, encrypted from dba_tablespaces
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